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Thursday, June 19, 2003

Driver for Toshiba Bluetooth PC Card
About 7 months back, I baught a Bluetooth PCMCIA Card Toshiba PA3053U - Bluetooth CardToshiba PA3053U, but unfortunately they provide CD for Windows 2000. After a lot of research I made for the drier, I could not find the drivers. then decided for the support from Toshiba for the drivers. Being a Compaq, Sony customer earlier, I couldn't wait for more than 20 minutes on phone for the CSR, I decided to throw the card and buy a new one. Fade up with all these things, I was doing something on google search, and found a link where ZDNet published a review for the same card, delightedly I read the article and the last link was for the manufacturer and it came out to be Toshiba, Australia where they have the driver for Toshiba PC Card on Windows XP platform.
Finally, I am using my Compaq iPaq Pocket PC in "Sync" with my laptop over Bluetooth Tooth. Overall summary is thanks to ZDNet and Toshiba is horrible in support. Their sites are not linked worldwide.